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Presenting a request show on Radio Wexham is a truly unique experience.
Unlike other programmes, the evening`s playlist is devided enterely by the patients and staff here at Wexham Park Hospital.
Absolutely anything and everything can be played. In fact there is probably not a more diverse sixty minutes of music anywhere on the radio.
Whatever your musical taste, there will always be something to enjoy. Whether you prefer Mantovani or Madonna, The Beatles or Beethoven, big bands or rock 'n' roll, there is something for everyone on our requests shows.
Absolutely anything and everything can be played. In fact there is probably not a more diverse sixty minutes of music anywhere on the radio.
Whatever your musical taste, there will always be something to enjoy. Whether you prefer Mantovani or Madonna, The Beatles or Beethoven, big bands or rock 'n' roll, there is something for everyone on our requests shows.
Radio Wexham boasts a library of some 6,000 plus singles and several thousand albums aswell as a selection of CD`s and mini Discs
In addition many of our presenters are enthusiastic music collectprs with quite sizeable collections of their own!
Modern day broadcasters talk a great deal about "interactivity". The truth is that Hospital RadioWexham has always been an interactive service.
Our ward rounders vist various wards most evenings during the week. If you see one, please dont be affraid to stop them and ask for your favourite song.
Alternatively, you can always call our studio on extention 4466 or 01753 570033
go on pick up the phone...